The Jarvis Family and Other Relatives

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Bonn Family

First Generation

Jacob Bonn (1733-1781) was a physician who arrived in Salem in 1758, and initially served to substitute when the first doctor, Hans Martin Kalberlahn, was absent. When Kalberlahn died in 1759, Bonn took over as doctor in Bethabara, and later in Salem. He married Anna Maria Brendel (1739-1815), one of a party of single women who arrived in 1766.

Second Generation

Children of Jacob Bonn and Anna Maria Brendel
Jacob Bonn (1768-1811) m. Anna Catharina Fiscus (1773-?)
Anna Elisabeth Bonn (1770-1772)
Anna Maria Bonn (1776-1777) (unproved, but likely)

Third Generation

Children of Jacob Bonn and Anna Catharina Fiscus
Johann Jacob Bonn (1792-1814)
Elisabeth Bonn (1793-?) m. Peter Strub (1781-?), moved to the "western lands" in 1820
Johann Georg Bonn (1798-1803)
Thomas Bonn (1799-?)
unnamed infant (b. & d. 1803)


Records of the Moravians in North Carolina

Thanks to Debbie Fiscus for information on Jacob Bonn Jr. and Anna Catharina Fiscus

©, 2001-2007 Faye Jarvis Moran

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